Ellen K.
I bought 5 bracelets and I don't think that was enough. I am keeping one for myself and the rest are gifts. I gave one to my Sunday School teacher and he is about 93 years old.He loved it.
Janice M.
I gave this wristband five stars, because the look and quality are worth the five stars. But for me, it is a little too wide. In the picture it looks like the same size as any other wristband you see in stores, for example, cancer awareness, but this one is double the size. But I will wear it, because I do love it!
Howard F.
Christopher S.
Dear 8 lbs. little baby Jesus, please let Trump win this election.
Chris S.
Dear little 8lbs. baby Jesus, please let Trump win this election!
Kylie T.
Product came fast and we are happy with it!
Cynthia C.
Good quality, soft, fits!
Bennie M.
I truly enjoy wearing ALL of your products officer Tatum!! All of your products are of great quality, they fit perfectly & the price is right!! Thanks for giving the people to rep what they believe!! I pray Numbers 6:24-26 over this business!!
Dominick G.
I like wearing bracelets mostly with Christian sayings or verses from the Bible. I was able to get my order in time to give one, I ordered two to my Best friend before she and her family moved to Alabama!
Shawn D.
The shirt is of excellent quality! I've bought a handful of items from here indeed buy more in the future.
Steven M.
very good product.
I love what it says because it’s the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Just like the Bible says…”In the end, We win! I bought 2 of these…for me and my husband. We love them.
I love it! The only thing that kind of sucked was one of them broke and I had to get another one. But this second one is lasting. I wear it everyday.
debra k.
Top notch experience! Good shipping good packaging and even was told that they were praying for my cancer diagnosis. Love Tatum
Joe R.
my wife and I loved the wrist bands, hers fit great , lol i had problem cause was too small for me . i tried to stretch it and broke it .. i will be ordering another ,, Thanks Officer T youre the best, love your podcast also
Christine S.
Bought this shirt for my teenaged son's birthday and he loves it!
Cynthia S.
Great bracelet wore to work and gym today
Love wearing it. It's very durable and shipped fast. Well worth the price
I love to contribute to the right cause. Thank you!
Brenna B.
Very well made and good quality wristband! A lovely reminder who wins in the end no matter how tricky life gets.
Chris M.
I really enjoy your channel. I tell my wife all the time it’s so nice to think a certain way about politics or just life in general and then hear someone say the exact same thing I did. It justifies my thinking. Not gonna get into specifics Mr Tatum but keep up the good work. Look forward to your next video. You’re my rabbit hole lol.
Lee L.
I started listening in 2020, You are one of my go to channels. Great merch. will but from a
fellow Patriot. Thank you, officer Tatum.
Lydia P.
This totally goes with my save America tee shirt and my leftist tears tumbler. ♥️
Brandon E.
Haven't worn a wristband in 15years, well that changed quick and haven't taken it off since I got it, money well spent and for myself symbolic in the sense to never give up hope. Be humble and kind
Dan J.
Love the wristband and its true claims and "The Officer Tatum" notation!! Love his hard hitting videos and his insight on all that need be insightful upon! Will wear "IN THE END, WE WIN"! Strongly reminds me of similar bands and headbands that we wore in the 60's and 70's!! "ROCK ON AND KEEP ON KEEP'N ON" BRANDON AND STAFF!! THANKS☮️❤️♂️
Tara A.
I bought 5 of these. 1 for myself and the rest for my kids and friends.
Elizabeth D.
I love my bracelet!
Edward M.
The bracelet with its one line statement says what all believers hope and long for.
Vincenzo R.
I am sure i'll love it, but It never came with my order. So I can't send you a picture of me wearing it. My whole order was wrong, and its being fixed now, and my wristband is being sent to me. Or so I am told lol
Gregg G.
The message is so true on this wristband. No matter how bad it gets here. Through JESUS CHRIST we've already won.
Cynthia W.
I love this bracelet I wear it everyday.
Al C.
Comfortable look great in my arms
Jay L.
Great quality love it anyone
would love it
I love it. And I like that it also says, The Officer Tatum. I'll wear it everyday.
Chris M.
I just Love Officer Tatum?? He much younger than I am but makes much since!!!!
missy b.
My sons and I wear these everyday!!!!
Kristi C.
Love this! Wear it everyday!
Andrea W.
For my skinny recipes fit perfect I got quite a few of them my friends took a couple and I still have some love them a lot maybe ordering some more!
Zach D.
Awesome wristband with a great message! Great quality! Will be ordering again.
Magdalene B.
Got this for my brother, he's gonna love it! Huge fan of Officer Tatum. He bought so many shirts and hoodies already I didn't know what else to get him lol!
Cindy M.
Hi! I've worn the wristband until the writing has come off! Its very nice. You share the slogan with my caregivers union, 776. "In the end , we win".
Tami T.
I love the simple design, and the reminder to keep my chin up because we who are people of faith really do know who wins in the end.
Jennifer C.
Got here quickly and I haven’t taken it off.
Jamie H.
I appreciate what Tatum does, speaking boldly in defense of the Hebrew tradition from which we derive our laws (and objective thinking) and rejoice in the opportunity to show off his positive attitude and the cheerful message of hope in Christ.
Patty H.
Wear it everyday!!
Richelle R.
I love this! It is mad of good quality. and the print on it is awesome! the letters are printed nice and big so you can see it nice and clear. and be able to show it off with pride.
My co-worker asked for this so as you can see he is enjoying both it and the shirt! He's shy so no picture of him wearing the shirt.
Liz M.
Thank you B Tatum..I love my new IN The End we WIN bracelet. Looks great with my Blue lives and my American flag wrist band. My family loves theirs too. Are you going to do a shirt that says "SNOWFLAKES MELT WHEN ITS HOT". That would be a great shirt. I'll buy one or two. Have a Blessed day
Cousin Michelle W.
These wrist bands are well made!!!! I will wear it with pride!
John F.
In the end we win! I understand it, but can’t explain it. Can you in a few words help
Brian D.
When I bought this I thought it was a little pricey for a simple rubber bracelet. But hey, it's going towards a good cause so I bought it anyway. When I received it, I knew I had gotten my money's worth. This isn't just a simple rubber bracelet with the letters painted on. The letters and symbols are "BUILT INTO" the bracelet! I've had several bracelets of this style but this is the best made one I've ever seen.
Krista R.
I'm wearing it everyday with such pride to have your name on it. And my retired Hartford policeman boyfriend will wear it with pride also thank you
David B.
Love the wristband, as well as the mask, but I can't wait until we can go maskless again!!
Daniel P.
In the beginning we won!!!
Dianna B. S.
The wristbands that I bought are excellent quality. If they are an example of the quality of the merchandise sold, one should not hesitate to purchase items.
Thank you.
David V.
I absolutely love it and it became an even bigger surprise for a friend of mine. My former roommate in college has Parkinson’s and when visiting him last weekend, I was able to take of my bracelet and place it on his wrist as a message “In the end, we win” Thank you for giving me that opportunity to give the perfect gift.
Brenda C.
So glad to receive bracelet. Exactly as advertised. Thanks so much for all you do. Real hero in my book.
Timothy W.
Love this encouraging reminder where the Believers win in the end. Amen.
JonaLee M.
Wear it all the time. Get asked where did I get it, I tell them The Officer Tatum Store!
Jessica G.
Got it today with my "Christ Privilege" Shirt! Wonderful! Thank you!
Nancy L.
Thank you and Love the Tatum Report !!!!
Scott E.
Great experience with the shipping department and received my order relatively fast.
The quality is AMAZING
Hillary M.
Proud to wear my bracelet! Great quality and fashionable.
V M B.
Wore it in my Tribute To Trump Song on Twitter, Parler, and Instagram.
Not taking it off till Jesus comes back!
Richelle R.
This is an awesome Wristband! Well made. And sturdy. It fits very nicely also.
sheri n.
Made very well! Love it. Will definitely order other items!